2019年9月16日 星期一


When I met the young man, he just came back from ER with bloody face. " What happened?" I was scared. "He had an traffic accident on the way here" said his Mon, "He heard your therapy works really, so he ride too quickly to lose his teeth."

What a sad story, and fortunately he still had his chin. I've seen someone lost his chin in motor accident when I was in ER 20 years ago. The young man is stable in mood even ache on his mouth. I checked his psoriasis and found complete scaling on his scalp even he had a long story of psoriasis.

For Chinese traditional medication, scaling on psoriasis is important because it protect psoriasis below them. I feel tricky when I found no scaling on psoriasis because it means scratching injury. The young man had thick scales. Scales is an index on PASI, but in my opinion, psoriasis with scaling is much easier to treat than without scaling.

Psoriasis takes time to heal, and no short cut to to follow. Scaling and reddish decrease as time goes by.

It's so surprised to me the young man cooperates so much. No more staying up, no more spicy food. His symptoms diminished quickly, and he persisted.

The patient graduates from our clinic when the scar change from red to gray, and the total time takes about 4 more months. It doesn't matter how many Dr.s you met, and it matters:

1. 你有沒有還在使用類固醇?有的話,快丟掉!
2. 你能不能乖乖聽醫生的話,改變生活習慣?
3. 你肯不肯每天花一小時的時間來治療乾癬呢?等待時間是可以滑手機的,但必須堅持四個多月以上。
1. Still steroid using? Give up now!
2. Could you change life habit as Dr's order?
3. Would you spend one hour everyday to treat psoriasis for at least 4 month?

Patient is important. Finally I said goodbye to the young man, and I wish him ride safely in the future.

