1. 類固醇──根本治不好,不用講了
2. 免疫抑制劑──先講求傷肝傷生殖細胞,再講求療效…還是算了吧
3. 生物制劑──治療率不錯,都快趕上青黛膏了!但卻有淋巴癌與結核病的風險…搞什麼!我不過得個乾癬,打個針卻有可能罹癌??而且,終生無法停藥!要一直打一直打!打一輩子。
1. 可以治癒!可以治癒!可以治癒!
2. 不傷肝!不傷腎!不傷生殖細胞!沒有罹癌風險!
3. 可以停藥!可以停藥!可以停藥!
一年前的畢業照 |
The major therapy of psoriasis includes
1. Steroids, it works nothing, obviously.
2. Immunosuppressant. Damage to the liver first, then damage to your productive cell. Ignore, please.
3. Biological agent. Good therapeutic rate! Almost reach the Chin-dye ointment! But the side effect is the terrible lymphoma and Tuberculosis. And never to be stopped.
The Chin-dye ointment and Chinese Herbal therapy is the Folklore therapy, but we do have indeed therapeutic power,
1. We could heal! We could heal! We could heal!
2. No damage to liver, kidney, productive cell, and ect. No cancer comes, no Tuberculosis here.
3. We could be stopped after heal! We could be stopped after heal! We could be stopped after heal!
You could click into see our therapeutic sharing.
Which do you want?
#psoriasis #psoriasistherapy #Chindyeointment #nomoresteroids
#乾癬 #正宗青黛膏 #青黛膏 #乾癬最好的治療方式